Good At Making People Great -
In A Blink!

Mackenzie Childs, MS is an Industrial and Organizational Psychologist, and advises organizations on employee performance alignment, increasing organizational effectiveness and profitability.
Blending the best of Organizational Development and Consumer Psychology, Mackenzie is more than a consultant - she's your go-to growth and performance specialist.Her approach is a cocktail of openness and accountability, spiced up with grit and smoothed over with grace. The end result? A culture where everyone from interns to executives can flourish.

What we do...
The Exceptional Team
Differences in personalities are not hard to find within an organization, though determining how each fits into your company culture and existing team, while also making sure productivity is at an all-time high - is where we come in.
Let us curate a bespoke Organizational Chart, complete with competitive career ladders to maximize growth and efficiency - we will even test the viability of our design!
Performance Sessions
We meet with everyone from the receptionist to the executives to understand the immediate needs of each person, while simultaneously taking the pulse of the entire organization. Our sessions are centered around 4 main areas:
… we pick the top three competencies in each area to focus on that are unique to you!
Looking for a keynote speaker or a private seminar?